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Our kitchen knife catalogue 2024
comprises 128 pages, approx. 29.5 MB.

Available in the following languages:

Price list

Price list 04.2024
Comprises 16 pages, approx. 4.7 MB.

Available as a collected language pack:

New products 2024

Addition to the catalogue
comprises 16 pages, approx. 5.3 MB.

Available in the following languages:

Shun Pro Sho

Product brochure
comprises 6 pages, approx. 0.8 MB.

Available as a collected language pack:

Shun Nagare Black

Product brochure
comprises 6 pages, approx. 2.9 MB.

Available in the following languages:

Shun Kohen

Product brochure
comprises 6 pages, approx. 6.4 MB.

Available as a collected language pack:

Seki Magoroku Shoso

Product brochure
comprises 8 pages, approx. 3.7 MB.

Available as a collected language pack:

Tim Mälzer Kamagata

Product brochure
Comprises 8 pages, approx. 1.5 MB.

Available in the following languages:

Shun Classic White

Product brochure
Comprises 8 pages, approx. 2.0 MB.

Available as a collected language pack:

Seki Magoroku KK

Product brochure
Comprises 4 pages, approx. 2.0 MB.

Available as a collected language pack:

Tim Mälzer Junior Kitchen knife

Product brochure
Comprises 3 pages, approx. 1.2 MB.

Available as a collected language pack:

Michel Bras Le Moulin

Product brochure
Comprises 11 pages, approx. 12.0 MB.

Available as a collected language pack:

Pure Komachi Graters

Product brochure
Comprises 2 pages, approx. 3.5 MB.

Available as a collected language pack:

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Preis - slider
Blade types
Blade types
Preis - slider
Blade length
Klingenlänge - slider
5,0 cm30,0 cm